I love Intellij IDEA's Darkula color scheme. I also have been growing fond of the Atom text editor, which just recently celebrated it's 1.0.0 release. Unfortunately, I felt the only existing syntax theme was a little lacking.

So, I created the darkular syntax theme (available here)! It's not like it took much work to do, but gathering all the colors felt tedious, so without further adieu, here are the colors I used in a both LESS and SCSS.


$cursor-fg: #FFF;
$cursor-bg: #2B2B2B;

$foreground: #BBB;
$background: #2B2B2B;
$selection: #214283;

$todo: #A8C023;
$comment: #808080;

$orange: #CC7832;       // keyword
$yellow: #BBB529;       // metadata
$blue: #6897BB;         // numeric
$purple: #9876AA;       // static field
$light-orange: #FFC66D; // static method
$green: #6A8759;        // string
$cyan: #507874;         // type
$red: #FF0000;          // error


@cursor-fg: #FFF;
@cursor-bg: #2B2B2B;

@foreground: #BBB;
@background: #2B2B2B;
@selection: #214283;

@todo: #A8C023;
@comment: #808080;

@orange: #CC7832;       // keyword
@yellow: #BBB529;       // metadata
@blue: #6897BB;         // numeric
@purple: #9876AA;       // static field
@light-orange: #FFC66D; // static method
@green: #6A8759;        // string
@cyan: #507874;         // type
@red: #FF0000;          // error